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作者: 发布时间:2010-07-24 00:00:00

In the beginning of the film, Zhara is washing what in the river?

What does Ali blackmail M the Mullah Sheik Hassan with?

在图书馆多媒体2教室,一节别开生面的英语课正在进行。刚刚看完电影《The Stoning of Soraya M.》的同学们正围绕老师提出的关于人权(Human Rights)的问题热烈讨论着。当天的气温虽然很高,但同学们的热情似乎比气温更高。这是出现在我院举办的暑期英语夏令营活动中的情景。




HNFLPE 2010 English Summer Camp Opens


HNFLPE launched its 2010 English Summer Camp on July 12 for nearly 50 students from both inside and outside schools.

In 4 weeks of this English Summer Camp, the students and foreign teachers will be engaged in a lot of activities, including watching movies, topic lecturing, holding English corners, playing games and learning to sing English songs.

The English Summer Camp, which features a flexible learning style of the intensive training in listening and speaking and comprehensive knowledge training,  was held to raise the students’ self-confidence and interests in English-learning and improve their abilities of application.